Chaya Gopin

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Friendship Circle believes that each child has purpose and a gift to give the world. That's why they connect young people with and without disabilities at their programs. Each person benefits and learns from each other, creating the diverse and beautiful world that we are all a part of. To run their programs, events and community initiatives, Friendship Circle relies on the generosity of donors in the community. Please support generously and help Friendship Circle reach and support more people.

My Achievements

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Thank you to my Sponsors


Moss Fam

We love you Kovi, and friendship circle. Love Pearl and the Mossies


Dovid And Naomi Krinsky


Shmuly And Chaya Gopin


Miriam Jacobs

Good luck!!


Shmaya And Eva Krinsky

Good luck!


Michele Cohen

We love Kovi❤️


Chana Amzalak


Terry Meskin

For a wonderful cause. Go kovi!


Beverly Spigler


Danielle And Abe Jacob


Sara Leah And Zalmy Kirschenbaum


Ari & Esther Leuchter

Wishing you much nachas from your beautiful family!


Vicki Bassin


Danielle Garson

Love Tsofia and the Garson’s


Rachelle Smith






Sindy Lowinger


Michelle Elski

Our legend. X


Grace Pragnell

So proud of all your hard work xx


Rochie Barber

Continue your great work Chaya!!!!!


Zalman & Shoshie Kastel

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