A world where everyone embraces and values each and every person
To inspire young people by creating inclusive communities through education, activities, capacity building and social connections.
Inclusion, Belonging, Leadership, Community, Collaboration

About Friendship Circle
People with disabilities have so much to contribute, however are too often isolated from the community and lack opportunities to create meaningful friendships, be included, and contribute because they are defined by what they can’t do. That often leaves them lonely and without a close network or community.
At Friendship Circle, we believe in the power of friendship to create a community where everyone is celebrated and accepted for who they are. We bring people with and without disabilities together to develop friendships through the backdrop of fun programs, weekend activities, school holiday camps, getaways and vocational opportunities.
We are located in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs and currently offer 20 well-received programs. Our community is made up of a participant base consisting of approximately 500 individuals (100 people with challenges such as developmental delays or intellectual disabilities and 400 volunteers), their families and our expanding support base.