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Friendship Circle believes that each child has purpose and a gift to give the world. That's why they connect young people with and without disabilities at their programs. Each person benefits and learns from each other, creating the diverse and beautiful world that we are all a part of. To run their programs, events and community initiatives, Friendship Circle relies on the generosity of donors in the community. Please support generously and help Friendship Circle reach and support more people.
Our Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Reached Fundraising Goal

Increase Fundraising Target
Thank you to our Sponsors

Torrible Charity Fund, A Giving Fund In The Australian Philanthropic Services Foundation

Carrington Blake
Good work buddy.

Scott Collison
Go Edwina, we love you!

Camilla Cropper
Happiest 20th birthday to you Edwina! I can’t believe it!!! Enjoy walking with your circle of friends while raising money for a really good cause 😘😘😘

Anna Cayzer
Go Edwina , well dine good luck to you all Love the Cayzers

Michelle Baillieu
Good luck Edwina!! Lots of love the Baillieus xo

Christine Britten-jones
Go Edwina!! Best of luck for the walk and have fun! Love the Taylor family xxxx

The Lloyd Jones’s
Edwina, you are rocking it. Fabulousness! So proud you our awesome girl. Hope Winnie doesn’t slow you down . Xx

Helen Fairfax

Lance Fredericks

Charles Young
Well done Edwina I’m very proud of you and love you very much. Regards uncle Charlie

Fran Caratti
Have fun 🤩 on the walk. Well done!

Sam And Lou Pirenc
Go girl!! XxX

The Glass-gows
Go Oish!

Francesca Fredericks
Mum is so proud of you and everything you have achieved

Nonna Betta
Nonna loves 💕you so much -

Nonno Vic
Hey Oscarello - you will always be my special grandson -love Nonno

Murray Fredericks
Dads so proud of everything you have achieved x

Jane And Jeremy Bayard
Enjoy your walk Edwina and great work on the fundraising!!!

Deirdre Grace
Good luck Oscar! 🩵🩵

Alex And Pat Nicholas
Brilliant stuff Edwina! 💪🏻❤️💪🏻

Richard Young
Go Edwina - you got this! Love Dad!

Georgie Capp
Well done Edwina!! Go Gals!!

Scarlett Sinclair
Go Edwina! I want you to tell me all about it. From Scarlett

Sophia Carlton
Well done Edwina and Happy happy birthday!! Love the Carltons xxx

Fi Marr
Go Eddie and have a fabulous birthday! With love from the Marr Family xx

Humphrey Family
Go Edwina! And what a treat to also be celebrating your birthday xx

Love you Oscar, Vanessa xxx

You are an absolute legend! Awesome what you’re doing.

Kelly, Luke, Archie & Baby Oscar
Go on Oscar! We love you ❤️

Ian And Cate Simpson
Good work Oscar. Yay!!

Joanna Robinson
Good luck Oscar!! You are such a special friend and we love you very much! Love The Robinsons xxx

Leonie Tindale
You are the best Oscar 👏👏❤️❤️

Margie Stacey
Good luck Oscar xx

Walsh Family
Go Eddie! I’m sure you’ll smash it! Great effort and lots of fun. Very special to be hitting the streets with soo many friends on your birthday 🎂.

Summerfield Family

Sarah And Sam
Exciting stuff Edwina … cant wait to hear how you go… sending love … sarah and sam xxx

Ali Satchell
Go Eddie ! You got this - legend !! We love you so much - girl power xx Satchells xx

Dawson Family

Olivia Green
Brilliant beautiful Edwina- 🙌lots of love the Green team. Xx

Aunty Kathy
Go Oosh

Brooke Family
Amazing Edwina! Happiest of birthdays to you and have the best walk. Look forward to celebrating with you soon. Love Tora Graham Jess millie and will. Xx

Ali Yeldham
What a superstar you are !

Margie And Clem
Im proud of you Edwina … love from Margie and Clemi xx

Soph & Ago
Happiest Birthday wishes Edwina and have a beautiful time walking with all your friends. Lots of love xx

The Cordeiro
How about $18 x 4 for the four of us Cordeiros?! 😁 I am so proud of all of your accomplishments and am grateful that you have found such wonderful support through your Friendship Circle. Sending hugs from Guatemala - please come visit!

Jenni Knight
Good on you, Oscar! Go for it!

Tom And Maddie
Good luck Edwina Love Tom and Maddie xx

Gooooo Edwina …. Go! Love from Millie and Jack

Jackson Fredericks
You are the best brother anyone could ask for you, i’m so proud of everything you have accomplished in your life and can’t wait to make more memories x

Finn Fredericks
Go Oisc- love you big bro x

Nicola Sander
Have fun Edwina.

Mary Wauchope
Well done dear Edwina Hope the walk goes well Lots of love Mary xx

Walter & Molly Maccallum
We know how much this program means to you and we are super proud of the gentleman you have become. X


Annette Cullimam
Way to go Oscar!

Marna Morris

The one who drinks Mummy’s fancy water is cheering for you, Oscar!

Carla Jones
Well done Oscar you have raised some serious cash!

Stitt Family
Well done - you’ve almost reached your fundraising goal!

Dean Duckworth

Emily Young
Is Winnie going with you?? 🐕

Martha Hill
Fantastic Miss Edwina… I love your energy! I hope you have as much fun as possible… and congratulations on your fundraising 🩷

Roche Family
Go Edwina!

Archer Gunning
Good luck Edwina, Smash it 💪😤

Kate Kain

Debbie Springer
Well done Oscar 👏👏👏

Nick Van Veen

Lysa Thompson
Hope you reach your goal cheers lysa

Seb Davis Fredericks
Go Oscar love your bro in Brighton UK - see you in December 💕💕💕💕💕

Love you 😘 Oisc

Kylee Mulet
Rewatch for the stars darling xxx

love you oiscy xxx

Go Oscar!! Well done x

Antonio Vescio

Tommasina Giorgio
Go Oscar Zia Tomma is very proud of you xx

Tonia Tschanz
Go Oscar!

Marianne Coates
Have fun on your walk!! Love you x

Talia Banari

Hey little oisc, im so proud of you. Maybe we can have a suagr free lemonade after the walk? Love you

Katrina Tibbetts

Hugo Jacoby


Lola And Harley Fischer
Wish we could come with you Edwina xx

O Dog
You go Oisc 🍩

Matthew Vescio
Love you always buddy. XXXX

Molly 🐶
Thanks for all the walks 🐕🦺 love Molly

Adam Stacey
Love you Oisk!